Kiss FM Drive Show duo of Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive have weighed in after Dr Ofweneke alleged that Stivo Simple Boy is the only musician carrying the Kenyan music industry.
According to the two, Stivo is more of a content creator than a musician, and therefore Ofweneke should stop lying to Kenyans.
“I saw a post by one Dr Ofwenek saying Stivo Simple Boy is the one holding the Kenyan music industry at the moment,” Xcluisve said before Mwalimu interjected saying “Achana na Ofweneke,”.
Xclusive went on to add; “I think in terms of content, he is one of the artistes who are putting out content every day. But if I ask you what is his latest song you don’t know, but you know his shenanigans week in, week out,”
Mwalimu added; “So he is a content creator and he has nothing to do with our music industry. Let’s be serious with this thing. When it comes to entertainment, he is a good entertainer online with all those catchy phrases and we love it.
But you can not mix Simple Boy with things to do with the Kenyan music industry,”