Miss Trudy counted losses after thieves broke into her house & stole everything 

Kenyan YouTuber Miss Trudy is a frustratd individual after thieves broke into her home in Siaya and stole household items.

A fed-up Miss Trudy shared the news via her social media stating that she is jumping on the next flight from Ghana to Kenya to handle the issue.

She narrates that the thieves have broken into her house three times despite the home having guards.

“I’m so mad. I have just been told that my home has been broken into and this is the third time.

“Thieves have broken into my home in the village. We had workers staying there but where were they? And for these thieves to come three times? she lamented.

She mentioned that the first worker was let go after the first incident and they got someone new who was also disappointed.

“When I go to Kenyan I’m going straight to Yalam Siaya County and I want someone to sleep in Prison. They have stolen everything from our house. I’m mad,” Miss Trudy said in pain.

“I have not been this mad. The first time they reported to the village elders and the person was given a second chance and now they have broken the doors and stolen everything,”.

She appealed to well-wishers to hook her up with a police officer from Siaya County so that she could take legal action.

“My flight to Kenya is in the next one week… we had installed solar power in the house I was constructing for my dad now it’s stolen. They broke into the new house and old house,”

“Send me the number of a police officer in Siaya, please. This person has messed with the wrong home and can't go free. I’m pissed off coz I don’t know if the workers are working with these thieves or something,” she added.