Michelle Ntalami has paid tribute to her dad seven years after he passed on. Her dad succumbed to cancer.

The Marini Naturals CEO shared a photo of her late father describing him as the greatest that ever lived.

"My Papa, 7 years already. Today and every day I honor you. All the love and life lessons you gave me continue to sail me through this sometimes difficult world."

"Because of you and Mom, every day I become more and more the soft, yet strong woman you raised. Beyond everything material you ever did for us, I am mostly so grateful to you for this"

"You are still and always will be to me, the greatest man that ever lived."

Michelle's friends later brought her a cake to celebrate her dad who was born on 19th November 1967 and died the same day and month in 2014.

"There’s friends, there’s family, and there’s friends who become family! Here’s to friends that bring cake over to celebrate their Dad too.

Thank you so much for this! One thing I will never take for granted, is the blessing of having at least one true, loyal friend for life.♥️To our Papa!" She wrote