Image: Courtesy

Princess Tiffah and Prince Nillan arrived in Tanzanian on Saturday morning and were received by their father, Diamond Platnumz.

From the look of things, their mother, Zari Hassan has not accompanied them to Tanzania.

The two were received by Diamond's convey at the airport and the singer drove them in his Rolls Royce.


After landing, Diamond is seen in a video asking them to repeat after him.

"Hello Tanzania, we are here, all the way from South Africa."

It could be that the little ones joined their dad to celebrate Eid alFitr with him. Tanzania is celebrating Eid al-Fitr today.


Their arrival in Tanzania comes days after their mother, Zari Hassan was married to Ugandan businessman Shakib Cham.   Zari said she did not get married due to pressure.                                      

"He told me he was going to marry me, so watch your tongue what you manifest. We made a video about it, it was just like a joke. And this year, he came to South Africa and its during Ramadhan and said he had been talking to people in the community, the Sheikhs, I asked 'have you thought about it'  and he's like 'I'm gonna marry you," narrated Zari

She added "

"Before I know it, he's spoken to the Sheikh and the date has been set and this is 24 hours to 48 hours. Yeah, that's why I wasn't ready, I didn't have something special to wear. I got married."

Zari was speaking on her Snapchat;

"It's never a competition, I live in my own lane, I do my own things. I do what I feel is right, I do not have competition," she added

She said that both families gave them a go-ahead for their wedding.

"We called the relevant people, we called his family, I spoke to my family. They were like 'Are you sure, do you love him, do you really wanna be with this person?' I'm like yeah, we're good."

She then called out the haters "I am established, I am successful don't you think I am living my life? I am happy, I am not doing anything for anyone. I am with Shakib because I want to be with Shakib. Not because of pressure."