
Tanzanian singer Mbosso was performing in Zanzibar on Saturday night. The singer, who is a self proclaimed king of love spotted a female fan and asked for her to be brought on stage.

To show he's still got it with the ladies, he used his Kiswahili to soothe and woo the fan, whose name is Latiffah.

Mbosso praised her and spoke about her eyes, lips "I love you, have mercy on me,' he said before singing a love ballad to her 


It will be remembered that Mbosso once revealed that he is not a one woman man.

He said this at a wedding;

"To be honest, four wives are not enough, If I get even 20 or ten or 15, I will be good. But to me, four women are too few."

Recently, he also took to Instagram stories to share his thoughts on cheating.

 "Kucheat sio bahati mbaya. Ni mipango iliyopangwa na ikatimia. Kusamehe au kutokusamehe ni wewe na maamuzi yako."

(Cheating is not an accident. It's a planned plan and it came true. To forgive or not to forgive is up to you and your decisions)