Karen Nyamu and Samidoh

Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu says her relationship with Samidoh is in accordance with the law. In an interview on NTV, Nyamu was asked why she took someone's husband.

"Kuliendaje ukamchukuwa mzee ambaye hakua wako?" she was asked

She responded;

"Ünajua sheria vizuri? Unazijua sheria? Enda uangalie sheria ambayo ni ya polygamy. Ambayo imepitishwa kwa hii bunge yetu."

Nyamu insisted that she was following the law and wasn't doing anything illegal.

"Sijavunja sheria yeyote kukuwa katika situation ambayo niko......Nafuata sheria. Sheria ya polygamy. Naifuata kabisa kwasababu sheria hazijatengenezewa nyani ama nani, zimetengenezewa sisi na ndio nazifuata hizo sheria."


Sections 2, 3 and 6 of Kenya's Marriage Act No. 4 of 2014 allow a man to have more than one wife

In July this year, Samidoh's wife Edday Nderitu said she was not in any polygamous marriage and that she had left her husband for whoever needed him.

“Lemmie clarify a few things that were shared online and not accurate……-I am not in any polygamous marriage as stated I left the husband for whoever needed him more.

 I made a decision to remove myself and my kids from that toxic environment especially my teen daughter who unfortunately is the direct recipient of unbelievable behavior displayed,” Edday said in part.

Edday also revealed that she has been caring for her kids alone without Samidoh’s help since walking out of the marriage.

“I have managed to sustain my kid's needs so far with no help and I am not regretting any bit of it. About communication and video calls I will leave that one there since some people seems to be present when that is happening but I’m not aware.

“In this new season of my life I don’t need any drama, I need peace only, I hope next episode of this series my name will be left out. #nothingbutprayers #power,” Edday said.