Our speculations have been confirmed. Ephy Saint has officially declared Brenda Wairumu is his.

When his baby ama Chantelle Petite exposed him for being a deadbeat and a violent man, she kept mentioning there is a certain girl who came between her relationship with Ephy and a source revealed that it could have been Brenda Wairimu.

Over the last couple of weeks, he has been posting a bit too much about her. Picture of the two looking so happy and in love.

It is now confirmed. He is hers. A picture of the two of them with the caption,

Happy New month from Mines to you.🍍🍍🌪

Has made it very clear.

Brenda has not yet confirmed this he has been very silent on their relationship. All she does is post about their show, Monica that airs on ShowMax.

The two already have children outside their relationship but they look like they are so in love.