Official Kinuthia
Image: Instagram

TikToker Kelvin Kinuthia has revealed why he likes to wear feminine clothing that contrasts strongly with his masculine gender.

In an interview with blogger Oga Obinna, Kinuthia said that wearing women's clothing even though he is a man is not a big thing that can deprive people of sleep because it is his fashion style that should not be criticized by anyone.

The content developer who recently bought his first car due to his content creation, said that he likes short outfits.


Every time he wears a short dress, Kinuthia said he gets great confidence and encouragement to stay the way he wants regardless of what the world says.

"I like short skirts or pants. They are just normal things and I would like to tell people that wearing clothes against your nature is not wrong, people should continue to wear them. Be yourself. Be you and enjoy life.”

Kinuthia denied the allegations of wearing women's underwear like thongs, insisting that he only enjoys wearing a dera or women's short pants alone.


Kinuthia bought his first car this past week surprising many when he introduced it as his son with the name Blessing.

This comes a few weeks after Kinuthia said that he was expecting a child and many were left curious to hear that, but the arrival of her car was what made people believe that was the child he described.