A composite of Quincy Timberlake, Esther Arunga and the late first first wife.
Image: Courtesy

It is hope for the three kids of Quincy Timberlake's late first wife after Kenyans with pure hearts showed up in large numbers and raised more than one million shillings for them.

The story of the orphans resurfaced at the end of last week when lawyer Wahome Thuku took to the internet and narrated their tale and the tragedies that have befallen them since their father left the country several years ago and left them in the hands of their mother who was also said to have died last year.

For those who don't know Timberlake, In 2009, Quincy Timberlake's name hit the headlines following the revelation of his relationship with TV journalist Esther Arunga.


Timberlake who was a political activist in the country was said to have left and entered into a love relationship with Arunga and went to Australia with Arunga, leaving his first family behind; his wife Rose Mweni, three children Trevor, Quincy, and Cassidy.

It is reported that since that period when he went to Australia, Timberlake never returned to the country.


Rose was interviewed in several media after that, explaining how she learned about her husband's relationship with Esther through the media.

She said that after the information came out, Timberlake came home one day, took his things, and left, never to be seen again, explained lawyer Wahome Thuku, who managed the online donations.

According to a report published by Thuku, the eldest child, Trevor had to wear the shoes left by his mother after her death last year.

His two younger children have been struggling here and there in school due to the high cost of living and education at that time while living in a dilapidated house in Nairobi that was given to them by a good charity after they were evicted from their rental house.

Following this sad story, Wahome Thuku asked people who have a helping heart to come forward to help the three kids who say they never heard from their father again since he suddenly left the country, and they are not even sure if the news of their mother's tragedy reached him wherever he is.

Many Kenyans who were touched by the plea came out in large numbers and made their contribution and by Sunday, Thuku happily closed the donations and said that netizens raised more than one million shillings to help the young people.

"To be honest, from what I know you people, I thought you would ignore this case and say that everyone should carry their own burden. I am touched beyond words and your responses.

Over 500 of you have contributed from 50bob to 20k. And I mean Kenyans here and around the world. You have never done what you have done before,” Thuku informed.

"Now I can inform you that we have crossed the mark of ONE MILLION in donations.

Yes, you have raised more than one million shillings for these boys. The money is safe and we will make sure it is put to good use to see the two boys complete their studies to the final level. You can trust me for that because I will continue to inform you," he added while closing the donations.