Morgan Bahati with musician Kevin Bahati.
Image: Instagram

A beautiful, uplifting, and comforting letter has been sent by musician Bahati to his adoptive son, Morgan Bahati.

The musician made a lengthy statement on his Instagram page in which he discussed the process from the day he brought the boy home from the orphanage to the present.

"I have Looked at this picture and Just realised you're becoming a Man. This is 10 years ago the first Day I met you. That Day when I invited ABC Children's Home (Where I grew up at) to Come and Perform at my Album Launch in 2013 at NPC Valley Road. Son I remember that day like it was Yesterday; the way you Cried and Called me Daddy. It was so difficult for me seeing the 2 year's old you forced to enter the bus heading back to the orphanage; I saw your pain and I saw myself through you," he started.


"Having have grown in a Children's Home at times Lonely without no one to Call Mum or Dad!My Son from that Day ; though I was not ready I decided to be a Father and I took you in as my son... Son Listen to me! I am your Father and You're my Son! God Planned it Nothing can Change that! As You grow you will see alot of Nonsense and inhuman stuff said on this Ruthless World but always Remember above all... I'M YOUR FATHER AND YOU ARE MY SON. PERIOD!" 

The third act of Bahati's message detailed the difficulties he had faced raising the son, including women deserting him because they didn't want to raise a child who was not their own.

"Only God Knows exactly what we have Been through... People will never know that I took you in even before I established myself. Do you remember when I could not afford to pay a House help and I could cook for you, clean your clothes and even change your beddings juu ume susu kwa Bed??? 


I've never shared with anyone is that even Some Women left me because they were not ready to raise a Child that's not theirs! Yes it was that bad but look at you now you have the most caring mother on Earth!"

He concluded by expressing regret to his son for having introduced him to the spotlight, which had led to false rumours that he was the son of a well-known football player.

"I don't want to say Much but I wanna take this opportunity to Say I'm Sorry for the online trolls it's all my fault. Forgive me for introducing you to the public this young 🙏  But above all I want you to Know that You're the Best Gift I ever gotten - You're my First Born and Without you Our Family is incomplete!"   

This is how fathers should affirm their children. Pleas take note.