Kate Actress with Phil Karanja
Image: Instagram

More analysis of Kate Actress and Phil Karanja's ended marriage is bringing some long-forgotten revelations to the light.

One of those was Kate's relationship with her in-laws which she opened up about in a previous interview with Fashionable StepMum on YouTube two years ago.

The mother of two spoke candidly about her difficult relationship at the time with her mother-in-law, who, she acknowledged, looked out for her son.


"My mum-in-law she shocked me. Her relationship with my son was amazing from day one. We had our own issues but when it came to my son, that I admired the way she handled it. He felt accepted."

She went on to explain how she refused to be treated like she was being done a favour going into her in-law's spaces.

"You can feel the energy. It wasn't pleasant. You can feel the sneaky comments. But I wasn't a charity case. I was sure of myself. I knew what I was bringing to the table. Your son isn't coming to rescue us. I was doing well with my son even before." 


She also revealed how she had warned her now ex-Phil that she would leave the marriage if she saw anyone mistreating her son.

"I had made it clear to Phil and for him to communicate to his family that if I see any mistreatment towards my son, that is a deal breaker na mimi sinaga kesho." 

During that fascinating interview, the talented thespian also made sure she praised Phil as a rare gem of a man who entered into their union with serious commitment.

"It is not easy. Phil is one in a million. Marriage is not for everyone. Marriage nayo ni calling. It might not be for you. Don't force it. If it happens to you thank you Lord. If it does not please move on.... Life is for the living, please date again."