Kate Actress
Image: Instagram

Actress Kate Actress, emerged as one of the winners in the prestigious Pulse Influencer Awards in 2023, organized on October 8, at Nairobi Street Kitchen.

The famous actress and influencer took home the Best Model Award. In celebration of her achievement, Kate took to her Insta account to share a photo of herself looking gorgeous, elegant, and charming in a dress that was not perfect.

When the photo hit her feed, her loyal fans showered her with praises for her stunning beauty and congratulatory messages.


However, amid the many compliments from fans, one enthusiastic fan raised a question that Kate decided to deal with.

@mrlink752 wondered why it was only women celebrating the mom of two?

"99 percent of the compliments have come from women, where are the men?" he asked.

Kate, responded to the fan boldly saying; "We don't dress for men." Kate answered him.

Several weeks ago, Kate hit the headlines following her announcement of separation from her husband, Philip.


This decision, which attracted a lot of attention, showed his determination to prioritize his happiness and personal journey.

Kate and many other celebrities starred at this year's Pulse Influencer Award ceremony.

Marya Okoth was named the Influencer of the Year, Abel Mutua won the Best Influencer of the Year award on the YouTube side, and Tom Daktari emerged as the Best Influencer of the Year on the TikTok side.

This year's Pulse Influencer Awards not only celebrated the achievements of these celebrities but also highlighted the growing influence of digital content creators and their ability to shape trends and attitudes in today's fast-paced world.