The late legendary singer Ally B
Image: courtesy

The body of veteran coast-born singer Ali Khamisi Mwaliguli alias Ally B was finally laid to rest in Mombasa on Thursday, November 2nd.

The late Ally B was accorded an Islamic funeral service before his body was buried at Maziara ya Cobra cemetery in Mishomoroni, Mombasa County.

Celebrities, politicians, and fans are among those who joined the family, neighbours, and friends of the late singer in burying him. 

While making his speech, Ally B’s brother made a humble request to radio stations and entertainers to cease playing his songs after his death.

“Tunaomba news anchors, radio presenters, ma-dj, tafadhali naomba, nyimbo za Ally msicheze. Tafadhali naomba,” Ally B’s brother said.

He explained that they wanted the singer’s soul to rest in peace and asked those who wanted to continue celebrating him to instead pray for him.

“Msicheze miziki yake tena. Naomba iwe anayetaka akimkumbuka amtilie dua. Lakini msipige miziki yake, tafadhali. Twaomba,” he said.

On behalf of the family, Ally B's brother requested that the media pass the message so that their wishes could be respected.

 “Nyimbo zake tosha. Muombeeni lakini msipige miziki yake. Mimi kama ndugu yake nimesema,” he said.

According to Islamic teachings, music, especially secular music, is haram (forbidden, inviolable, and sacred).

The late Ally B

When a musician dies, there’s a belief among Muslims that any moment his songs are played or used somewhere, especially for a purpose that goes against the morals and teachings of Islam, he or she gets subjected to punishment even in the afterlife.

“According to the Islamic community, music, especially secular music, is Haram. I say especially secular because some scholars have argued that music that promotes peace and has no bad intentions or words to it is acceptable,” a Muslim source shared.

Ally B’s family most likely requested his music not be played again, as when a Muslim singer passes, it is advised that all secular items they release be gotten rid of as it could put them at risk of punishment in their afterlife.

“For a Muslim, if they used to make music, once they pass, it is advised to get rid of all their recordings and any other secular things they might have produced because every time the songs are replayed or watched and someone sins by listening to the deceased person’s music, the deceased will be severely punished by the angels and thus won’t have peace in his afterlife,” the source added.

The late Ally B began his music career in the early 2000s and was best known for his hit songs such as ‘Maria’, 'Bembea', and ‘Mkufu Wangu', among others.

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