Samidoh with his kids
Image: Instagram

Samidoh's eldest daughter, Shirleen Muchoki, confirmed on Monday morning that the popular Mugithi artist is with them in the United States.

Shirleen confirmed the earlier revelation by Senator Karen Nyamu, who announced the news about Samidoh's visit over the weekend in one of her posts.

Responding to one of her fans in one of her recent Facebook posts, the nominated senator revealed that Samidoh went to the United States to see his children.


She also took the opportunity to make it clear that there would be no issue if the Mugithi artist decided to reconcile things with his first wife, Edday Nderitu.


"He (Samidoh) is there as we speak to see the children. Even if Eddy comes back, we've shared many peaceful years, and he will never be a problem," Karen Nyamu said on Friday.

Karen Nyamu's post
Image: Screengrab

Furthermore, she made it clear that she would not join Samidoh and his other family in the United States as it would complicate matters, contrary to their wishes.


On Monday morning, it was revealed that Samidoh is currently in Boston, USA, where he has had the opportunity to meet his children after a long time.


It is still not clear when the skilled Kikuyu musician arrived in the Western country, but his daughter Shirleen Muchoki revealed the news of their reunion.

The young queen used her Instagram page to express their joy at meeting their parent and opened up about how they cherished the moment.

"Wow, such a beautiful day, my father is finally here, we missed you, welcome to Boston," Shirleen said in her Monday morning post.

She shared beautiful pictures of the Mugithi singer enjoying a great time with them at the airport, with his younger brother.

However, Edday Nderitu and their youngest child were not seen anywhere in the photos, and it's not clear if they were present.

This might be the first time for Samidoh to meet his children after many months.