Director Trevor with Mungai Eve
Image: Instagram

Director Trevor has provided insights into the details of his breakup with Mungai Eve, clarifying that the separation occurred a year ago, and they had been maintaining a façade for their online audience.

Revealing the truth about their split, Trevor, a successful video director and photographer, disclosed that they broke up in February 2023.

Despite remaining friends and business partners, the public acknowledgment of their breakup happened recently due to Eve expressing her desire to cease collaboration.


Speaking to Tuko, Director Trevor emphasized, "We broke up in February 2023. We remained friends and business partners until when she said she did not want to work with this brand anymore.

Because she is the one who said she did not want to work with us, I had to take what belongs to me."


He clarified that, although the channels featured Eve's face and name, she was essentially his employee.


Asserting ownership of all their YouTube pages and Facebook accounts, Trevor emphasized that with both the romantic and business connections severed, Eve would no longer benefit from the brand he established.

Addressing the future of the videos created by Eve on the channels, Trevor stated that there was no reason to delete them, as Eve was an employee, and the content she produced belonged to the company.

The videos will remain, and Trevor will continue to earn from them.

Contrary to a past interview where Trevor suggested leaving the channels to Eve in case of a split, he now expressed a different stance. He revealed plans to hire new staff to continue and grow his brand, asserting,

"The whole brand was mine. Eve was only the face of the brand. She is not part of the brand."


Following their breakup in 2023, Trevor vacated the house they purchased together in Kileleshwa, leaving it to Eve.

Despite the separation, Trevor emphasized that there was no animosity between them, and they maintain a cordial relationship.

"We talk. I can call her, and she can call me. If I need a contact I know she is the only one who has, I ask her and vice versa," he explained.

This move has surprised many, as Trevor had previously suggested leaving the channels to Eve in case of a breakup, highlighting her integral role in the brand.