Veteran comedian from the KBC TV series "Vioja Mahakamani," Matayo Keya, famously known as Alphonse Makokha, opened up about his late wife Purity Wambui, who passed away on Sunday, June 2, after a prolonged battle with cancer.
In an interview with, the actor expressed the profound impact the loss had on his children.
"It has deeply affected them. They are struggling to come to terms with it. My youngest, who is 11 years old, keeps asking where her mom is. I have to gently tell her that she is in Heaven, with the Lord. Comforting the little one is heartbreaking and challenging," a grieving Makokha revealed.
He also shared that Wambui had passed away while he was on his way to work, a memory that would haunt him forever.
"I was on my way to work. I instructed my daughter, 'Please take care of your mom.' I was heading out to earn our daily bread. Before we could reach the midpoint of our journey," the distraught Alphonse recalled.
In conclusion, he urged men never to resort to violence against their partners, emphasizing that there is never any justification for such actions.
"I always said women are invaluable in this world… men, never attempt to raise your hand or even slap… we know they can be talkative, but don’t ever try to harm your wife," he emphasized.
As of now, funeral arrangements for the late Purity are yet to be finalized. However, contributions are being accepted, as mentioned by Hiram Mungai Ngigi, also known as Ondiek Nyuka Kwota, a longtime colleague of Makokha and the chairman of the funeral planning committee.
Nyuka Kwota took to his Facebook page, mentioning that the deceased had left behind a considerable hospital bill.
"His beloved wife, Purity Wambui Msagani, has passed away, and we appeal for your assistance in covering her hospital expenses and ensuring she receives a fitting farewell," he wrote.
"If you wish to support Matayo during this challenging period, please send your contributions to the following account: Account/Mpesa Number: 7870966. Account Name: Shanice Njeri Msagani. Your generosity and kindness are sincerely appreciated," Nyuka Kwota requested.