Betty Kyallo
Image: Instagram

TV 47 host Betty Kyallo, has once again addressed the issue of her romantic life and how it troubles people when they hear that Betty is in a relationship.

In an exclusive interview with Plug TV Kenya, Kyallo said that she couldn't complain at the moment because she is in a good place in her life and she feels loved.

"To be honest, I can't complain, I'm in a good place and I also feel loved. But why do my romantic relationships bother people? I'm in a good place, I found someone we understand each other," Kyallo said.


Regarding the period of time they have been dating together with her partner, whom she has been keeping away from online platforms, Kyallo said;

"I wouldn't want to give too many details about it because there are people with bad intentions out there but God has protected us. We've been together for about 8 months now. I'm someone who shares everything online but he doesn't like the online life, but it's not like I'm hiding him.

People have seen us out there. The fact that I haven't posted him doesn't mean I'm hiding him. We go everywhere, from cafes to supermarkets and everywhere, so I can say I'm not hiding him, we just live a normal life."

Kyallo also reiterated the issue of the age of her partner, whom many have speculated to be a 21-year-old.


According to her, even if her partner were 21, he's still an adult because he's already past the age of 18, but she emphasized that her partner's age is not 21.

"Even if my partner were 21, he's still an adult, but his age is not 21. Let's not delve too much into that, we just decided to give the elders some time to rest a bit, you know, let them focus on their own affairs.

As for the wedding, we are at the wedding now, the wedding story and pressuring people, no, let me just focus on my child for now," she said.