Allan Kiuna and Kathy Kiuna
Image: Instagram

Reverend Kathy Kiuna recounted that before her husband's passing, she and fellow pastors gathered around his hospital bed in prayer for three hours.

Bishop Allan Kiuna passed away on Tuesday, July 9th, 2024, while undergoing treatment at Nairobi Hospital.

"I don't think we've ever prayed so fervently in our lives. When Bishop went to be with the Lord and took his last breath, I told him, 'Listen, Bishop, tell Jesus it's not time yet.' I could see he wasn't listening, so I pleaded, 'Please, my love, you can't go now. This isn't your hour.'"


Kathy shared that she and her fellow pastors prayed intensely for three hours. "We told the nurses, 'Leave us, you wouldn't understand.'"

The Reverend acknowledged that God's will prevailed. "We, in our human nature, tried everything."

Kathy recounted that Bishop Allan kept insisting, 'I'm going home.' "We refused to accept it. God knew we couldn't, so He made him quiet. In the last two weeks or so, he just remained silent, looking at us, until he closed his eyes."


"He seemed to say, 'I'm done with you. I've already told you I'm going home, but you won't accept it, so now I'll shut you out.'"

Kathy stressed that her husband did not pass prematurely. "Bishop went to be with the Lord at the right time."