Media personality Amina Abdi Rabar

Award-winning TV show host Amina Abdi Rabar has called upon netizens to share what has been keeping them grounded during the current state of affairs.

The past couple of weeks have seen death and destruction following the escalation of youth protests from #RejectFinanceBill to #RutoMustGo, as they called for government accountability and the prosecution of corrupt leaders.

Protests have been occurring every Tuesday and Thursday across the country, with the death toll over fifty so far and dozens of others hospitalized or abducted.

Taking to her social media, the media personality shared the one thing that has been anchoring her, enabling her to afford a smile despite still fighting for better leadership and an end to police brutality.

"Despite what’s going on in the country, what’s the one thing that’s been keeping you going or putting a smile on your face? Mine is my son Tumi 🥺🥰," Amina wrote, sharing a photo of herself smiling broadly.

She encouraged netizens on Instagram to engage with her, sharing what was working for them.

Below are a few comments:

  • carole_mutunga: Mine is the desire to give my mom a better life.
  • levis_ke: The fact that we're alive and in good health. We're our own thermostats, so there's never a bad day—maybe a moment, then we bounce back in full swing 😜.
  • miagona: My faith in God. I'm reminded of the serenity prayer. He grants me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I know I can (me), and the wisdom to know the difference. I've been reminding myself of this often, and it's helped me not feel despair, hopelessness, helplessness, and powerlessness. I'm grateful 🙏🏾.
  • ivy_lizbeth: My daughter and son Marielyn/Kingsley, my whole world❤️ looking gorgeous 🥰.
  • dennoh_photography_: My camera ❤️.
  • aggie_the_dance_queen: My son Nairobi.
  • victor_living_life: Books.
  • carolefrancis6839: @aminaabdirabar, mine is supporting children from very poor backgrounds with a meal a day and also educating them through @jewell_foundation. I look forward to you hosting me one day to share about this. Thank you. Blessings 🙏.

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