Ever wondered how long renowned dance choreographer and talent manager Chiki Kuruka has been growing her pink-coloured dreadlocks and if she'd ever switch up and shave them as we've seen tens of celebs do?
Well, I had an exclusive interview with the dance instructor and I have the answers to those questions and a few more.
As we are talking, I can't help but stare at the gorgeous shoulder-length black and pink mane on her head. So, I finally give my thought life and ask, "How long have you had your locks for?" While complimenting the length, size, and neatness.
Chiki is a ball of positive energy so talking to her is as easy as breathing.
She cuts her sentence short accepting the compliment with grace, not at all offended by me interrupting her.
"Thank you, uhm I've had them for 5 years," Chiki who doubles as Bien's manager softly tells me. And thus, a hair conversation begins.
I want to know if the maintenance process is stressful because as a hijabi I really can't relate but I'm genuinely intrigued.
"Of all the different hairstyles that I have had... because I have had relaxed hair, I've had curly hair, short hair and what not. I'll say locks are the easiest because other than the retie there isn't so much that you have to do," she reveals in between chuckles probably marvelling at her own hair journey.
She excitedly adds her maintenance process is so easy stating, "I just have to keep them clean, moisturized and oiled. Other than that, there's nothing more. Locs are really the easiest thing ever," she proceeds to lightly shake her head having her locs bounce around with the movement. Clearly pleased with herself.
"Would you ever consider shaving them?" I ask and her answer is an immediate no accompanied with a light laugh.
According to Chiki it is enough having one bald person in the family.
"There is only room for one bald person in our family and it is not me," the dancer states as we both burst into laughter.
Finishing up, I question why we've never seen her in full glam makeup, and she lets me know she really isn't a makeup girly. She just like playing with bright eyeshadow from time to time.
"Not even a tiny bit! I'm really not a makeup girly," she dramatically says adding, "I'm a sweat, working and hard-working girly but I love the culture. Some people like vilifying makeup but at the end of the day it's none of their business.
If you want to have a face beat daily you do that, if you don't want to wear makeup you do that. Just don't let people influence your choices or dictate your life,"
Chiki really exudes such a soft and motherly nature which makes her so easy to love. We share a hug and bid each other bye.
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