Image: Moses Mwangi

Singer Bahati cried unconditionally at a Monday morning press conference.

The singer who made his intentions known that he was vying for the Mathare MP seat under Azimia La Umoja said that he was asked to step down.

"I was competing in the Jubilee party against four other aspirants and I followed the process. I did everything as per the constitution and IEBC regulations and jubilee awarded me a nomination certificate," he said at the Press Conference


"The youth of this country were happy not only in Mathare but around the country and we started our campaign immediately."

He went on to say that he is not a visitor to Mathare and that "before Kenya knew me, Mathare was my first fan base."

He described his last 24 hours as the hardest times in his life. He explained why he was asked to step down.


"I received a call...and I'm being told I need to recall the certificate and step down for the sitting MP because he's threatened and feels like if I'm on the ballot, the seat won't go back to ODM, which I have said no," He cried while explaining

Bahati said he had called a press conference to speak to make his plea known to the president and also to ODM leader Raila Odinga.

He went on to tell them to top give the youth of this country a chance.

He also took to social media to write "I can't be silent on this one."

In a past post, he mentioned that the upcoming elections will be a change for the people of Mathare.

"God has Oftenly Used Me to achieve Things that Many See as impossible... Yes; Just as a way of Giving Hope to the Hopeless and Faith to the Unbelievers! This Coming Elections Will be a Moment of Change for the People of Mathare. IT'S TIME TO GIVE HOPE TO MTOTO WA MATHARE ."