Kimani Mbugua
Kimani Mbugua

Former Citizen TV presenter Kimani Mbugua is asking Kenyans to raise a total of Ksh 200K to help him start a business.

This comes a day after he appealed for help saying he is homeless.

"My other 0718 number was passed on to another user, here's my new number...please send whatever you can ata 1 bob ni sawa...I need to raise capital for my company (200k) I will keep you updated on how the money is being used. Asanteni sana," he wrote on his Instagram feed.


On Instagram stories, he added, "I need 200K to get my company up and running, please send what you can I will keep you guys posted on how much has been raised  and how I will be spending it. God Bless."

In a video that went viral, he had asked Kenyans to help him get back on his feet.

"I got out of the hospital last week and I feel my mind has come back to normal and I don't want to go back to where I used to be. "I came to look for somebody else who could host me but I didn't find. I need your help, "he said


"I am in a  position where many people are not willing to help, they say they are tired, if you want to help me, my email is [email protected].

"I realized I could suffer in silence and not speak out and be depressed again and go back to drugs. I don't want to go back to drugs," he said.