Kamene Goro recently sat down with the True Love team and she opened up about the best and worst moments of her life and how they have shaped who she is and made her stronger.

Kamene Goro gave an intimate and deeply personal experience she had when her marriage imploded. For those of you who do not know, Kamene Goro was married to a Tanzanian gentleman who ended their marriage via text message:

And like with any relationship, when the marriage imploded, it took a toll on Kamene Goro's psychological and emotional wellbeing. You can imagine that a young lady who got married early now was a divorcee.

She took the failure of her marriage hard and when she was at her lowest, she attempted suicide. So what did she do? She took 70 pills. But something, someone, a high being spoke to her as she begun getting woozy and losing consciousness that made her realize that her life was worth salvaging.

She credits the decision to fight to save her own life with her God who prompted her to get to an AAR just down the road from where she lived. There, they pumped her stomach and her life was saved.