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Kenyan flag
Kenya is topping all the wrong lists. If you look at corruption index lists, we make the cut -and there is no surprise there. But now with the failing economy -all these economists will spout numbers to counter what I just said but in truth, with all the job cuts and failing businesses, we know better because we feel the shrinking economy- Kenyans are looking for other, dubious means of earning a living.

Kenyans are turning to crime to feed their families and the international community is recognizing the spiking crime. Petty crime in the CBD (Central Business District) has seen a significant spike and this is where the list gets its statistics to report on.

A respondednt to the survey carried out by the Spectator Index said the following about life in Kenya's capital Nairobi:

“(We) are often taken advantage of through stealing, scamming, and police stopping you just to take money from you. The roads are awful, traffic is just terrible, and the city is dirty.” A respondent cited.

Most dangerous places to live, 2019.

1. Brazil

2. South Africa

3. Nigeria

4. Argentina

5. India

6. Peru

7. Kenya

8. Ukraine

9. Turkey

10. Colombia