You will have now to pay to maintain blue check marks on Twitter

Musk announced changes to Twitter terms and policies to see verified users pay for the blue check mark.

making some changes to twitter
Elon Musk making some changes to twitter
Image: Commons Wikimedia

Business magnate and investor, Elon Musk is the newfound owner of Twitter, and the entrepreneur is about to shake some few things up place following his purchase.

Musk announced changes to Twitter terms and policies to see verified users pay for the blue check mark.

According to the Verge, Twitter users will pay $20 (KSh 2, 428) per month to keep the blue mark verification.


Once enforced, the company will give verified users 90 days to subscribe to the new plan.

Elon aims to have the plan in place by 7 November and failure to do so means that his employees risk the chance of facing unemployment.

The ownership comes after much drama that saw Twitter going to court to hold Mr Musk to the terms of a takeover deal that he had tried to escape.


Mr Musk tweeted his interest in the platform was not about making money.

Twitter's chief executive, Parag Agrawal, and chief financial officer Ned Segal are no longer with the company, according to US media reports.

The social media platform's shares were suspended from trading, according to the New York Stock Exchange's website. 

Mr Musk said he bought it to help humanity and wanted "civilization to have a common digital town square".

Earlier this week Mr Musk tweeted a video of himself walking into Twitter's headquarters in San Francisco carrying a kitchen sink with the caption: "let that sink in!"

He also changed his Twitter profile to read "Chief Twit".

Many analysts argued the price Mr Musk is now paying for the company is too high given the decline in the values of many tech stocks and Twitter's struggle to attract users and grow.

On a recent earnings call, the Tesla founder said Twitter was "an asset that has just sort of languished for a long time, but has incredible potential, although obviously myself and the other investors are overpaying for Twitter right now".

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