How to know you might have PCOS

The signs of PCOS are normally worse for obese women

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Image: Instagram

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome also known as PCOS is a hormonal syndrome that happens during the reproductive years of a woman.

According to Natalie Crawford, an obstetrician and gynecologist based in Texas, PCOS is genetic and epigenetic

This means the environment and one's mother plays a big role in one developing it.


"PCOS is both genetic and epigenetic which means the environment, when your mom was pregnant with you is a huge influence on if you get PCOS or not, it is not your fault," she explained.  

She continues to say that what happens in this hormonal syndrome is that you have a lot of eggs inside the ovary and they have an abnormal response to the brain.

The abnormal response causes increased testosterone in women or antigen production, a substance that triggers one's immune system, which then leads to the symptoms of the syndrome.


It is said that it is not easy for one to notice if they have PCOS symptoms, so what are some of the classic symptoms?

Let's begin;

Irregular or absent periods. This means one's periods are either too much or too little.

It could be one is getting less than nine-period cycles in a year or they go for more days in their cycle than they should.  

If you naturally experience more than a 7-day period, that could be a sign as well as if your menses only come five times a year. 

The other way for one to know if they have PCOS is too much androgen.

Androgen is the hormone that is crucial for a man's reproductive function.

It is also responsible for the development of facial and body hair growth and voice change.

High levels of this hormone in a lady will cause them to develop unwanted and excess facial and body hair.  

It can also cause server acne and baldness.

Having polycystic ovaries is a sign of PCOS, these are ovaries that appear to be slightly bigger than they should be.

When an ultrasound is done a ring of pearl-like structures, follicles will be present around the edge of the ovary containing immature eggs.     

When an egg matures the follicle is what breaks and releases the egg for possible fertilization.

Without this happening conceiving may be a server problem. The signs of PCOS are normally worse for obese women. 

One should regularly pay a visit to their obstetrician or gynecologist to check for any abnormalities.   

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