The morning duo opened up on their worst break-ups
Obinna with Kamene Goro The morning duo opened up on their worst break-ups
Image: Instagram

Morning Kiss anchor Kamene Goro has admitted that following her first breakup, she believed she would die.

Oga Obinna, her co-host, and her discussed her experience.

"My first heartbreak I thought I was going to die. I didn't even want to go to school. But it took me 7 days to get over it."


Obinna needed a full year to recover from a breakup.

"It took me one year to get over my first heartbreak."

The two MorningKiss hosts spoke about their break-up experiences
Obinna with Kamene Goro The two MorningKiss hosts spoke about their break-up experiences
Image: Instagram

Below are some of the Kenyans' responses to their heartbreak stories.

"My first heartbreak, beshte yangu alinisomea constitution na iliniuma sana. Lakini nilirudi kwa soko instantly."

Chris Darlin Octane: I have not recuperate from my heartbreaks ..imagine kamene one after the other adi sahii i just feel like i dont deserve to live in this world anymore.

John Kioko: Personally I have never recovered. It's been almost 34 years. I forgave and moved on but I NEVER trust anyone. Even in my marriage I know I may one day wake up and loose everything because alone I was born ALONE I will die and ALONE I will face Judgement.

Ivee Edmonds:It has taken me 5 years to get over my first heartbreak ,the hardest part is that he left me with someone who looks exactly like him ..Today,5 years ago I gave birth to my precious human being Happy birthday Tyler.

Jayne Mut-honey:It took me 10yrs to 4get him completely my big regret is allowing my self to live in a past for that so long. Mapenzi yakufie na uko.

John Asembi: I was in form one 1993...yes!!! but am yet to get over it ...still missing my class seven pupil.

Georgina Namans: It took me a year to heal and remained single for 2 years