Obinna with Kwambox.
Image: Instagram

Kwambox and Obinna are at it again as they wish all the ladies out there a Happy International Women's Day.

In today's Morning Kiss conversation, the two posed a question that is one of the things women wish men would stop doing, cheating.

Have you ever been cheated on? The question arose when Obinna spoke about a lady who was caught cheating.

The lady is from Nairobi and her man is from the US. He had come to rendezvous with the love of his life only to find out that she is cheating.  


At first, the guy doubted that she could be cheating. This prompted him to do some research, and what you are seeking you shall find. (Matthew 7:7)

The lady was actively sleeping with six men. To make it worse the man had opened several businesses for her and had bought her a car.

She was living large, the baby girl type of lifestyle, princess treatment...

There are those who break hearts and there are those who ensure you never come out of it alive, meet the city gaaal.

"Welcome to jumanji," Obinna said.

Obinna went on to add that this is Nairobi and that's just how things are. Is cheating something that should be normalized, can it be justified?

Apart from cheating, another thing Kwambox wished men would stop doing is focusing way too much on women's appearance. 

"Stop making everything about physicality," she voiced. 

Only commenting on how pretty she is, how she is "just your size", the smile, the forehead, they do love this one, is not enough.

"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows." Audrey Hepburn 

Happy International Women's Day.

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