Kwambox with Chito Ndhlovu
Image: Instagram

A man has admitted that although he forgiven his girlfriend for cheating on him, he now finds it difficult to trust her again.

He is now unsure of whether or not his relationship will last. On the morning Kiss at Kiss FM, Chito and Kwambox brought up this issue and posed the day's question,

"Is it possible for a relationship to thrive after infidelity?"


Chito said, "Forgiveness is possible but it requires a lot of maturity, You can't be bringing up the same issue after forgiving you should be able to move on from it." 

Kwambox said,  "If you forgive me then don't go back again, I shouldn't be trying to prove to myself that I am trustworthy only because you forgave me."

Below are some reactions from Kiss FM listeners;


Caller: The guy should know that the girl doesn't love him.

Caller:  I can forgive if it happens once, but if it happens twice I just end the relationship.

Caller:  I wouldn't forgive, I have an experience, we dated for three years and I went to work in another place and found her with a child for another man.

Akugizibwe blessing@Akugizibwebles2ยท28 : Speaking from experience,I will forgive but trust may never be restored,can never look at you the same. I treat cheating and D.violence the same,you cross/ strike me once that's it for me b'se there is always a chance he/she will do it again...tuned from Kampala.

Eddie@commonperson_23: Yeah, a lot of maturity is required and also a good understanding between the two, if you can't understand each other then the possibility is very narrow.

Simba ya luvini@simba_sheldon;  Maturity and forget ..if you can't forgive you can't live with anybody.

Gatungi Anabelle:  It depends if the girl is prettier than me kama akona pesa you know but kama namshinda eeiii I will be crucifying him Sasa huyo ni Dem wakucheat on me na yeye shually beb.

Kelvin Muraithi: If they forgive, they had an angle and now they can follow up on it and it won't be cheating it would now be, REVENGE! And to start another one, despite being hard, would mean they can't follow up on this other angle? Forgive. Lose to Win.