Kwambox & Kerry Martin

During today's morning show, Kwambox and Kerry discussed how Forex scammers have swindled over a billion shillings from churchgoers in Eldoret.

"The churches were encouraging the congregants to go on and invest with this guy, saying he would help them. He collected over a billion shillings.

There was this particular lady who took her family savings, sold property, and accumulated about seven million shillings, which she gave to Ambrose," Kerry explained.

"A week later, Ambrose started saying his account had been hacked, so he couldn't trade at the moment. He assured them their money was safe and that they should give him three weeks to resume trading."

Kwambox responded, "At this rate, I'm wondering if I should start a church. People are risking their capital just like that in the name of Jesus. I could just stand there and say, 'Guys, put your money here; we're saving for heaven,' and you'd put your money here."

Kwambox went on to say she couldn't be that naive to fall for such schemes, as churches are now often used to brainwash people.

Kerry then advised listeners to be vigilant about such scammers, noting that they are not only in churches but also out on the streets.

Kwambox added that people in local areas should also be cautious because scammers assume they are illiterate and easy to deceive.

She stressed that a pastor should not be advising anyone about their finances. Kerry further explained how Forex works, clarifying that one cannot become a millionaire overnight.