Content creator Mama Olive K
Image: Instagram

Digital content creator/fitness enthusiast Tatiana Karanja has a few tips to help you kick out the worry of weight gain and fully enjoy the holiday season.

And it's deeper than just preaching body positivism.

"Can we quickly touch on the whole gaining weight on the holiday thing..." started Tatiana.

She went on to add, "I know realistically for a lot of us women (correct me if I am wrong) times Christmas time can be a little scary because we are thinking I am going to eat so much.

Or I'm going to indulge so much because there are treats, sweets, and a whole lot of things happening. And due to this, we are busy thinking/fearing by the time January is here we will have gained so much weight!" 

Mama Olive does have valid points because we know what she is saying is true.

And even if some of us don't exhibit these fears the industry will try to get under our skin with adverts such as "how to avoid gaining weight over the holidays" or "alternative healthy holiday meals with low calories."

Mama Olive. The content creator has shared holiday tips to help not gain unnecessary weight
Image: Instagram

Tatiana went on to encourage her followers to learn to live in the moment and enjoy such an occurrence that comes once a year highlighting that gaining weight was not a bad thing.

"First and foremost I really believe that we have to go out there and enjoy ourselves with our families.

Go out there and eat that cake, have cookies, enjoy minced pies, a healthy glass of wine, or 5, enjoy the holidays!" Insisted the digital content creator.

"I think one of the reasons we are scared is because we don't know how to balance," added the mom of three.

She went on to highlight her own experience.

"I did not know how to balance, I had this all-or-nothing mentality.

I'll be like since I am having this minced pie better as well have two packets, and chocolates as well as wine and everything, every day for the whole holiday period because I didn't know how to balance it," revealed Tatiana.

She went on to add that she finally mended her relationship with food and found balance. Indulge but also keep it healthy.

The fitness enthusiast said she doesn't feel guilty having a piece of cake whether on normal days or during the Christmas period because she knows the rest of her meals will be healthy and she doesn't have to have 10 pieces a day to enjoy.

She finished off by encouraging her followers to find a balance to fully enjoy the holiday season.

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