Maureen Kunga.
Image: Instagram

One of Elani's band members, the ever-smiling Maureen Kunga made her debut in her acting career late last year and it was beautiful!

Maureen starred in Kenya's first-ever Christmas movie alongside the very talented and funny Pascal Tokodi in the little comedy dubbed: A Familiar Christmas and she killed it.

However, in a recent interview, the artist revealed that executing her role was not a walk in the park.

The movie follows the Moran family as they reunite to spend a Christmas holiday together for the first time in three years. 

Their plans for a loving holiday are disrupted when secrets and a meddling mother wreak havoc in the household.

It all becomes quite interesting as each member confesses their dirty secrets. Maureen is divorced and has to explain the scandal.

"It's all the drama of me trying to hide it," She said.

Speaking about her first role ever on the big screens Maureen said her role as a mother in the movie was a nice experience.

The challenge however was the on-screen romance. Laughing about it, Maureen spoke of the difficulty.

“Kissing is an intimate thing, you have to be in the moment, it’s rough so we spoke about it extensively asking ourselves if we are okay,” Kunga started by explaining why it was hard for her.

She went on to add;

"The great thing about shooting in my case the Director and my co-star were so helpful.

I want to give props to the director Reuben Odanga for making it easier on us. 

He cleared the room (of other cast members) now instead of having 15 people, there were only four of us which helped us to clear our minds and concentrate and focus on executing the kiss that is about to happen,” she said.

In the movie that aired first in mid-December, Maureen Kunga plays Noni, Melita’s (Pascal Tokodi) uptight sister, who comes home with more problems than the family anticipated.

Keith Chuaga (Igiza, Famous) plays Allan, Noni’s husband, who’s loved by the family but not so much by Noni because of his past mistakes.

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