Sauti Sol's Bien-Aime Baraza has made his support for the LGBTQ community known

Sauti Sol's lead singer Bien-Aime Baraza has finally joined the LGBTQ debate that has plagued the country ever since the Supreme ruling allowing members of the community to register NGO groups.

The "Inauma" hitmaker did not hesitate to make it known that he is a supporter of the rainbow community.

Bien made his stand during an interview with TV47 after being asked about his take on the matter.


"I want to hear from you because wewe ni kioo cha jamii (you are a mirror to/of the community) and you are a very big artist. So you as Bien do you or don't you support the LGBTQ  community?" Tthe presenter asked Bien in their video interview.

Bien who is currently in London replied by saying, "I fully support the community.... mimi nasupport LGBTQ tena sana."

According to the award-winning artist, whatever someone chooses to do behind closed doors and inside the four walls of their bedroom is not our business but theirs.


He went on to add, "I support people doing what they want and expressing themselves. In Kenya, we have bigger problems like food insecurity, lack of economic empowerment, poor education system, high cost of living and so much more.

There are so many actual problems that come before this LGBTQ debate and I feel like the government is just playing you guys and removing your attention from the things that really matter."

Bien explains why he supports lgbtq
Image: Instagram

Bien emphasized that he felt people choosing whom they want to love was not a big deal compared to the problems we are currently facing.

He went on to urge Kenyans to focus on issues that actually affected them and not what other people choose to do with their lives as that does not benefit them.

"LGBTQ is not a bigger problem than corruption in our country, so please focus on the things that are important. What someone does in their bedrooms is their problem not ours,” he advised.

The artist finished off by highlighting that whether a single person or 10 ascribes to the community in Kenya that would not end hunger or corruption in the country.

Mocking those loudly chanting how anti-LGBTQ they are Bien said

"You want to tell me when LGBTQ ends hunger or corruption would also end?

Imagine right now if someone is diagnosed with cancer in Kenya they die, your family finances are depleted in front of their eyes. That energy we have on LGBTQ should be focused on other things that make sense, like corruption, education and healthcare. We need to have a Universal Health Care,”  finished off Bien, unwavering in his stand/support.

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