Kenyan-UK based music group Matata They group recently revealed Kenyans can no longer afford them for concerts

Kenyan music group Matata who are based in Oslo, Norway have responded to criticism from netizens who claimed they are being boastful after they revealed that the main reason they haven't been performing in their home country.

Sharing with their over 44.4k Instagram followers, Matata announced that Kenyan promoters cannot afford to pay their performance fee and that's why they haven't had a concert in the country.

Kenyans felt the music group who refer to themselves as "the best group in Africa" were being boastful and that fame had gotten over their heads and that's why they felt comfortable calling out their home country.


Responding to the criticism they've been getting online the boy band took to Instagram to ask Kenyans to chill highlighting they were asking for money that they were worth.

"Mbona mnareact ni kama 1.5 million ni pesa mingi (why are you guys acting as if Sh. 1.5 million is a lot of money?)" Started off the music band.

They went on to add that the said amount isn't even close to what they spend on their music videos highlighting that they are super invested thus why they need to be paid accordingly.


"We are the most invested artist in Kenya, hiyo pesa hata haijatosha kulipa video ya 'Siko Fiti' (that money isn't even enough to pay for the shooting of our latest single 'Siko Fiti' c'mon!)" Added the Matata before finishing the post with an emoji of a man slapping his forehead.

Earlier on, the music group revealed the main reason they have not visited Kenya or had a concert of late is that Kenyan event organizers cannot afford them.

Taking to their official Instagram page Matata shared a post that read, "the only reason we haven't been performing in Kenya ni juu promoters hawafiki bei, (Kenyan promoters can't afford to pay us.)"

Matata went on to reveal how much they are charged to perform in the county referring to the money as petty cash,

"Sh 1.5 million ni kitu ya kushindwa kulipa surely, (now honestly speaking is 1.5 million shillings something to fail to pay?)" The last part of their post read.

The post still doesn't sit well with a lot of Kenyans.

Matata's last Kenyan concert was 4 months ago for their debut album concert dubbed The Super Morio Experience. It was held at TRM Rooftop, Thika Road on 30th December 2022.

The concert was the very first performance of their acclaimed hero-anchored 15-track debut album - ‘Super Morio’.

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