Edgar Obare, Hassan Muagmbi and Alinur Mohamed

Politician Alinur Mohamed has faulted blogger Edgar Obare after dragging journalist Hassan Mugambi in his exposes.

In a detailed, statement, Alinur urged that Obare is out to tarnish and assassinate Hassan Mugambi’s character and career out of his selfish interests.

He questioned if the controversial blogger has enough evidence to support his allegations.

“Citizen TV News anchor Hassan Mugambi is a very hard-working and professional journalist, I hope blogger Edgar Obare has ENOUGH evidence to support the allegations he is making. I also hope someone is not using him to destroy the career and reputation of Mugambi,” Alinur questioned.

He also had a message to a section of KOT who had already crucified Mugambi before even hearing his side of the story.

He stated that family issues cannot be solved on social media but only through the right channels.

“Those who have already judged Mugambi without hearing his side of the story, your day is coming. Also, family issues will never be solved through social media. You will post someone hoping the situation gets better, but it won't.

Online strangers will just read, comment, and move on. You will remain with your problems and your partner after ashaming each other on social media,” Alinur explained.

On Tuesday, May 9, 2023, the award-winning Citizen TV Investigate Journalist Hassan Mugambi was a trending topic on Twitter after unconfirmed deadbeat and cheating allegations were labeled against him by controversial blogger Edgar Obare.

Mugambi is yet to speak about the rumors but many of his fans and followers have defended him on the deadbeat claims saying he is always hanging out with his daughter.

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