Image: Courtesy

Ever since it was announced that the Arabian nation would be hosting the world cup people globally were displeased.

They pointed out Qatar's ugly record of human rights violations among other things.

And the Qatar World Cup controversies just keep on building up.

Rumours mills were going crazy with speculations sighting that thousands of people had died while helping to build stadiums for the World Cup.

Officials downplayed the situation citing that only like 3 people had died.

However, the death toll floating around was 6500 but officials are now claiming that less than 1000 people died. 

In a new interview with Piers Morgan, during a showdown on Talk TV, Qatar World Cup chief Hassan Al-Thawadi revealed that the death toll is higher than they once reported.

“Between 400 and 500. I don’t have the exact number. That’s something that’s being discussed.” said Hassan.

The official however said that health and safety standards have vastly improved since they won the World Cup bid.

He added, “I think overall the need for labour reform in itself dictates that yes, improvements have to happen.

 This was something that was recognized before we bid. The improvements that have happened aren’t because of the World Cup. These are improvements that we knew that we had to do because of our own values”

"Every year the health and safety standards on the sites are improving, at least the World Cup sites - the sites we are responsible for." Insisted Hassan.

Qatar was chosen as the site of the World Cup in 2010 following a bid the U.S. Justice Department later concluded involved bribery.

Since then, the small nation has pumped more than $220 billion into infrastructure, including eight new stadiums, scores of hotels, a metro system, and expansions to its airports and roadways, Qatar Central Bank data shows.

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