Sauti Sol

Kenya's award-winning band Sauti Sol has moved the much-anticipated Sol Fest concert from Fox Drive-in Thika road to the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC).

"SolFest is moving to a new venue for its 2022 edition, and we are happy to announce that we shall be partnering with the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) to host this year's event on December 17th, 2022."

In a statement issued on Monday,  the SolFest management told fans that the move has been changed due to security concerns. 

They went on to highlight that the move was made in the best interest of their fans as along with the performers and vendors, the safety of the fans was their main priority.

"Sol Fest Corporation's number one priority is the safety of our patrons, artists, and partners." 

The team revealed that it had been brought to their attention that areas surrounding their initial grounds for the concert were a hot spot for criminal activities.

"Following consultation with our security service providers, who have also consulted with various security agencies, it was established that the areas surrounding the previous location of choice for SolFest (Fox Drive-In, Thika Road), has had a significant increase in criminal activity over the recent months.

"Having had a secure event in 2021, it is in retaining our security standards and ensuring that the location is fit for all stakeholders that deemed it necessary to change venue from FOX DRIVE-IN to KICC.

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to the wonderful team at Fox Drive-In, a quintessentially Kenyan venue, and the supporting stakeholders for their partnership.

We appreciate your patience and look forward to having a great and safe time with you at Sol Fest 2022!" the last part of their public announcement read.

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Sauti Sol
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