New Twitter boss Elon musk
Image: Courtesy

New Twitter boss, Elon Musk ain’t playing when it comes to his bird app.

Just when you thought you’d seen the last of his questionable antics comes in a new rule! 

The Twitter Owner wants to keep the bird app exclusive and to achieve that he has resulted in banning the promotion of any other social media accounts including via Linktree. 

Yes! You read that correctly. 

Moving forward you can no longer link your social media accounts such as Instagram or YouTube to your Twitter.

 The announcement was made on Sunday evening by the official Twitter Support account.

"We recognize that many of our users are active on other social media platforms.

However, we will no longer allow free promotion of certain social media platforms on Twitter." stated the tweet announcing the new move.

 "Specifically, we will remove accounts created solely for the purpose of promoting other social platforms and content that contains links or usernames for the following platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribal, Nostr, and Post." Clarified the post. 

They, however, went on to note that this doesn't mean they're banning the use of links to other social media sites, including cross-posting of content (like throwing up an IG link on Twitter, for instance). 

What it sounds like they won't stand for now is unadulterated plugging of one's other accounts that might lead Twitter users away from the platform. 

Twitter also announced that using phrases such as, "follow me on XXXX (input another social media platform)" will likely get someone banned as well.

The app will ask you to delete tweets if you link out your handles and multiple violations of this new policy will result in your account getting locked temporarily.

Also, if you have links to any of the above-mentioned platforms in your bio, your account will temporarily suspend your account and ask you to change your bio.

Elon just said we ain't giving competitors any free space in this blue region.

Content creators are most likely to suffer from this move because that is how they sell/build their platforms.

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