Rick Ross.
Image: Instagram

American rapper, entrepreneur, actor, and film producer Rick Ross has just acquired a new airplane and he is super excited about it, especially the fact that he gets to customize it.

The "Aston Martin" hitmaker took to his socials to post several videos showing off the majestic plane.

Rick Ross celebrated the moment by taking his super excited and proud mom on the first ride of his new multi-million acquisition.

"Ella what it feel like baby? What it feel like?" He can be heard asking his mom as he shows off the exterior of the aircraft.

It has green, red, and blue spiral lines going across the sides of its sterling white exterior.


In another video, he showed off the interior of the large plane with his mom lounging in one of the sleek spacious beige leather seats.

An ecstatic Rick Ross told his mom to soak it all up and enjoy herself as this is what her son had worked for. "Look at the boss queen, Ella we love you. Lay back and enjoy baby, lay back and enjoy," Rick is heard excitedly telling his mom before letting out a happy chuckle.

In the last video, attendants can be seen loading the producer and his companion's luggage into the craft before they take off.


"And if you know Roze then you know I am about to customize this to a whole other level. You know Roze gonna customize this G550 like no other.

Heavyweight! One time for Duncan Aviation thank you for making my dreams come true. For coming through with the layout and rendering and now we are going to do something that has never been done before.

You all have to stay tuned to big boy Baus!" The rapper proudly said.

The entrepreneur's plane is averaged to cost about $28 million and can accommodate up to 14 passengers. It boasts multiple entertainment systems, a fully equipped kitchen, and plush leather seats.

This adds to the list of multi-million luxury means of transport that the musician owns.

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