Sean Preezy on why he doesn't post his wealth online

Former artist and social media influencer Sean Preezy is opening up on why he is not too keen about flexing his possessions online.

Taking to his official Instagram page Sean revealed it was not anything much to do with humility but the very thought of being a victim of robbers that makes him not post his wealth on his socials.

According to the 24-year-old, he is so keen on not disclosing the time of lifestyle he leads that he takes precautions to not even post something as merely irrelevant as his smartphones.

"You will not find me posting my house, my cars, my phones, or my possessions! NADA! Especially being a public figure!

Because that is how you get robbed," Sean's post on his Instagram stories read.

He followed it up by highlighting that some people following your page/lifestyle might be doing so with ill intentions towards you, hence why one ought to always be careful.

"Not everyone wants the best for you..." Sean advised.

Finishing up he revealed that a couple of our known public figures have learnt this lesson the hard way.

"There are many, like a lot of public figures who get robbed but just don't tell anyone," the last of his post read leaving netizens with a bunch of questions buzzing.

He, however, did not clarify if he'd been a victim or not.

Some of the public figures who have opened up about being robbed include stunning musician/rapper Trio Mio, digital content creator Josh Wonder (through his now ex-girlfriend Ajib Gathoni), renowned makeup artist Miss Keysha, and YouTube content creator Commentator 254 and magician Musau the mentalist just to mention but a few.

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