Celebrated media personalty/author Janet Mbugua
Image: Instagram

Celebrated female and mental health advocate/ author Janet Mbugua had her followers swooning and in stitches after she shared a walk down memory lane.

The former news anchor took to her Instagram stories to share a screen grab of a poem she'd written for one of her ex-boyfriends back in the day.

According to the mother of 2 she had several of them in a folder and would be posting a few of them with time as she tries to figure out what to do with the rest.


Janet highlighted that most of them were about love, passion, lost love, and generally relationships at large.

Captioning the post she wrote;

"I found some poetry I wrote, between 2005 and 2007… In fact, the document has over 30 poems!


It’s taken me back in time; so many of them are about love, lost love, passion, relationships…so now I’m trying to think back and figure out who I was then, what I was thinking, dealing with. Who I was with!"

Janet finished off by asking her over 1.3 million followers not to laugh at love-struck younger her who'd poured out her heart into the poems.

"This is one of the few I’m posting as I figure out what to do with the rest 😬

Don’t laugh! Try not to 😃 I was simply expressing myself :) And clearly letting go of lost love!#mafeelings #poetry#partsofme#love#loss," the last of her post read.

Contrary to her fears most people were actually super impressed with her penmanship while highlighting how at a certain point in life they've been in her shoes and felt almost the same emotions.

Below are a few comments:

Weddynjoan: You should publish them.... Coz this is really good. Put them all in a book, give it a cool title and have them published

Be.soko: It's beautifully put, and most can relate... Thank you for been vulnerable enough to share👏

Kwambox: Sad poems are the best… ❤️

Joy_the_blessed: Huggs in this life we must accept what we cannot change Shalom. Don’t I love literature!

ThisKenyan: You've just reminded me that I used to write.... Now to find them.... And J this is a beautiful poem ❣️

A.list.ke: Gosh this is impressive, is there anything your not good at my talented friend xo

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