Marini naturals CEO Michelle Ntalami
Image: Instagram

Entrepreneur and social media influencer Michelle Ntalami has released a statement thanking the media for positive coverage.

In an Instagram post, the Marini Naturals CEO shared a screen grab that Kiss FM had covered in regards to her and her sobriety journey. Ntalami went on to laud the publication for helping celebrate her win and putting a smile on her mom's face.

"‘Attitude of Gratitude.’ ♥️ Hey. 👋🏾 How is everyone here doing?Lately, I’ve been both feeling and practising a lot of gratitude. And it’s starting to do wonders for my life!


For the things that I’m grateful for and able to share with the world, I promised myself I will go ahead and give the universe that credit out loud.✨" started out the entrepreneur.

Ntalami went on to add how when sharing her decision to go zero alcohol with her fans she hadn't expected it to be picked up and publicized so beautifully by the media.

"I recently shared on my decision to stop alcohol. I was amazed to see that it was received with so much love and positivity, especially from the media!


My Mom knew about my decision, but when she saw the article, she was elated!

She’s the one who brought it to my attention that the media picked it up, something I’d not even anticipated."

Michelle Ntalami's message
Image: Screenshot

Ntalami pointed out how people are always so quick to chastise the media but when they do something good or notable no applause is seen.

"For those of us in the public eye, we tend to constantly complain and chastise the media for the sometimes incorrect or untrue things they publish about us.

While this is totally understandable, we also so easily forget that it is the same media which also publishes positive stories about us when we win or do something positive.

It is the same media that also builds us. So why then, do we only choose to focus on the negatives? Food for thought.💭" Ntalami wrote.

Finishing up she thanked every publication house that had ran with the story and the support such a positive article had brought her way

"Today I want to thank the media tagged on this post, and all other media and blog sites that I may not have seen who also shared my story. Thank you for sharing so widely with such positivity and support.

Thank you for spreading the message on self-improvement. To most of you, thank you for also sharing the positives.

And lastly, thank you for putting a smile on my Mom’s face.😊And to everyone else, thank you too for the love! I hope this message encourages you as well, to be grateful for everything in life, big or small, good and bad.♥️#Gratitude #Media Appreciation Post," the last of her beautiful post of gratitude read.

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