Sandra Dacha

Famed actress, MC and digital content creator Sandra Dacha has revealed that she made Sh100,000 while still living in a mud house.

"Sijawahi shika pesa mingi (I have never held/made a lot of money) but I held Sh.100k back in 2014. And to me that was a lot of money! 100k was a lot of money," The Auntie Boss actress said during a sit down that she had with Doctor Ofweneke.

On what she spent the money on the energetic MC revealed she first went on a drinking spree with her friends because she still could not believe that she had so much money.


"Tulienda kwa bar kukunywa na mabeshte kwanza, you know. Kupiga mwili pole nini nini," Sandra said meekly as Ofweneke burst out laughing.

Defending the actions of her younger self, she argued that the most amount of money before that big cheque that she had gotten was Sh. 10,000 so to her that was  a big deal.

"You know I had never had such a huge amount of money before. I was used to Sh.5,000 at most Sh. 10,000 from Jalang'o back then when I used to do set books. Like we'd get paid even Sh.800 and what not, you know?


But here I was residing in a house that I used to pay Sh. 100 as rent. and I had bagged Sh. 100k. It was a mud house that is why rent was 100 bob," the actress narrated as she walked us down her memory lane.

Sandra went on to reveal that the Sh.100k was not even her full payment but a down payment for an acting gig that she had scored.

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