Image: Photos for class

Tooth discoloration is when the color of your teeth changes. They no longer look as bright or white as they should.

There are many things that can make your teeth lose their luminosity, some top ten could be;

1, Tooth Decay


Tooth decay is brought about by a thin film of bacteria that builds, the bacteria then produce acids that harm the enamel (a hard, outer coating that covers the teeth) and cause cavities.

Brushing and flossing your teeth can prevent decay, but once a cavity forms, to avoid further damage, a dentist must fix it with a filling.

2. Smoking Tobacco 


Tobacco and staining same WhatsApp.

Whether you are a smoker or prefer to chew tobacco products, one thing about tobacco is that it can dull your teeth as well as cause stubborn stains.

3. Old age

Old age causes transformations throughout the body and your teeth are no exception.

With aging, the enamel tends to thin out due to natural wear and tear, and the yellowish dentin (the hard dense bony tissue that forms the bulk of a tooth) layer grows.

4. Drinking red wine

Red wine, and other forms of alcohol, work very similarly to sugar in terms of their effects on your teeth.

It will tend to stick closely to the teeth and cause red, darkish stains

5. Drinking Coffee

A hard truth for coffee lovers to take in.

Coffee has tannins (a yellowish or brownish bitter-tasting organic substance present in some plant tissues), which may stain your teeth and make your smile seem dull.

6. Drinking Tea

Tea, in reality, maybe even be more likely than coffee to discolor the teeth because of its greater tannin content.

The deeper the color of the tea, the more likely the possibility of staining teeth.

7. Environmental issues 

Drinking water supplies in some parts of the country naturally contain significant amounts of fluoride.

Large doses of fluoride can lead to white spots on teeth.

The condition is known as fluorosis. It particularly affects children under the age of six. 

8. Substandard Oral Hygiene 

Regular teeth brushing and cleaning between teeth help to keep your teeth from discoloration.

Always add a  small amount of fluoride-containing toothpaste to your toothbrush and brush in a circular motion for two minutes.

Teeth should be brushed twice a day, once just before bed and once first thing in the morning before you have had anything to eat or drink.

9. Certain Medications

The worst offenders of teeth discoloration are medications that actually alter the structure and composition of teeth

10. Infections and Diseases

Certain medical treatments, such as head and neck radiation and chemotherapy can cause teeth to discolor.


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