Susan Kaitanny with Sheila Kwamboka and Obinna.
Image: Facebook/Kiss

The Real Housewives Of Nairobi (RHON) cast, Susan Kaitanny describes herself as a hot mama.

The petite mother of two told off Kiss FM presenter Oga Obinna, when he asked whether the cast in the show also has real bodies.

"I am turning 40 this year, I have 2 kids, I am divorced, but I am fabulous. I am a hot mama. It doesn't matter whether we bought our bodies or not, we are hot." 


Kaitanny stars in the show with Vera Sidika, Minnie Kariuki, Sonal Maherali and Lisa Christoffersen.

When asked by Kiss FM presenter Kwambox what the takeaway was, Kaitanny said.

"I got to fall in love with everybody in the show. It's a beautiful sisterhood."


She added that the show had showcased Kenya and her beauty, "Well, I just want Kenyans to be proud of Kenya. In this show, we have made Kenyans proud.

We've flown to beautiful destinations within Kenya. In tough economic times, everyone needs a distraction, life is harsh and I feel like right now Kenya is going through a lot, let's laugh kidogo. We need a break from all these."

Are the cast really housewives? Obinna asked.

"Housewives for us represents an independent woman, you could be married, you could be divorced, you could be a single woman," said Kaitanny.

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