Bahati and Diana Marua
Bahati and Diana Marua
Image: Instagram

Guys, he did it, Bahati finally dyed his hair black once again since he colored it red. You know Kiss100 has love for Bahati but that hair was just not doing it for him. Hiyo awachie Odi Wa Murang'a.

Well, it is not just us who had an ish feeling about his hair. His wife, Diana Marua also didn't like and that was a cause for a major fight in their home.

Bahati Pink Hair
Bahati Pink Hair
Image: Instagram

Some good news, he is back to having black hair. Bahati posted a picture of himself at the salon with his wife and captioned,


She Said "Babe if You Really Love Me Shave or Change your Hair Dye Back to Black" 😭. WHAT HAVE YOU EVER SACRIFICED FOR LOVE??? 🥺 THIS WAS A BIG FIGHT🤣

Diana then said that in as much they look happy, a few hours before that they had a serious argument.

Bahati, Diana Marua and Eric One Wash
Bahati, Diana Marua and Eric One Wash
Image: Instagram

We really got into an argument before @bahatikenya agreed to change his hair colour. Msione anasmile, alikuwala almejam vibaya sana 😀

The comment section of that post had a lot of people thanking Diana for finally making her manz change that hair because they were just not having it.