Khaligraph Jones henched2
Khaligraph Jones henched2

The Star newspaper is looking for nominations for people or leaders who have done the most within the year to influence events and lives.

Every year since 2018, The Star has named a Person Of The Year.

The recipients of the prestigious award are people who have done the most within the year to influence the events of the year.

This year the Star is asking you to nominate who you think deserves the coveted accolade.

This are the qualities to look out for;

  • A person who strives to make Kenya or their community a better place to live and work.
  • A person who has greatly inspired or helped fellow citizens,
  • A person who has invented a solution that has dramatically changed lives and;
  • A person with the qualities of honesty and integrity.

Make your nomination by filling this form

Last year, the Star had six persons of the year. They are;

Okiya Omtatah . From chaining himself to the doors of offices of corrupt public officials over a decade ago, Omtatah has morphed into public litigant number one.

We have Global Teacher Prize winner Peter Tabichi and the brilliant legal mind that is Justice Mumbi Ngugi.

CBK Governor Patrick Njoroge is behind a raft of financial reforms this year. He tweets and can be outspoken about the government’s ballooning debt.

The Star honoured marathoner Eliud Kichoge, the GOAT (greatest of all time), as a true sports legend.

Our list also included rapper Khaligraph Jones, ICT innovators - The Restorers - and HIV researcher Benson Edagwa.