Last week, Oga Obinna was put on blast by a man who claims he ignored him as he was seeking financial aid.

The same man asked Mammito who also passed by the route he was seeking funds from and she stopped to give him some money. According to his story.

He took his lamentation to Edgar Obare and it stirred a lot of comments which were not so good.

Coming to his defense is one Alex Mathenge. The guy who plays a policeman in a lot of the online comedy series.

Speaking on Let's Talk, he said it was about how Obina was approached. At that time, he was in a hurry to get to the studio.

Obina captioned the video where Alex spoke thanking him for clarifying the whole situation.

"Thanks Alex Mathenge for trying to explain the situation. There is a lot more to be said and only the dude who chose to share this while bad mouthing me and myself have all the details. He had his reasons and hope it worked for him. I also had my reasons for not saying my side of the story. What Alex said in this interview is just a tip of the IceBerg. People are always very fast to judge others based on one-sided stories. It's all good however for I choose not to explain myself to mere Mortals. Like I said before if you know me and you hear any story about me, kindly draw your conclusion based on your previous interactions with Me. If you don't know me personally then where do you afford the luxury to conclude about what and who you don't know or understand 🙊? From how I look at people badly I should now be called "look master"😜🤯😅😅 too soon??🤣🤣🤣🤣 too soon.....okay I'll stick with Oga@DTop" He wrote

The comment section of this post was not all positive. Many said Alex was just there to defend his fellow celebrity.

Watch the video below and be the judge.