Professor George wajackoya, an aspiring presidential candidate, earlier this year rolled out his manifesto with a list of things he plans to implement once he's elected into the highest office in the land.

Apart from his famous plan to legalize bhang, another thing he added on to the list was to introduce a 4-day work week.

As enticing as it sounds, Kenyans, at first, were not only delighted about the omission of one day which meant extra time to engage in personal activities, but will also result to lesser work carried out at work places.


Few weeks down the line, Kenyans have been engaging in constant debates regarding the professor's plan to fulfill Kenyans most wanted desires but upon careful considerations, citizens have started requesting the presidential aspirant to carefully re-think of his manifesto.

To Kenyans, a 4-day work plan means more labor on the effective days as the work to be carried out on the lifted day will be squeezed on to the ‘weekdays’.

On the same, Kenyans think that since the professor didn’t specify on what days are the ‘work days’, some assume that these working days will start from Friday extending through the weekends and finalizing on Monday, and the resting days will be from Tuesday to Thursday.


It is still not clear on when the weekdays and weekends are, but is the four-day work plan in general a trap?