Image: Kiss FM Kenya

On The Morning Kiss, Obinna narrated a horrifying taxi experience that occurred to him earlier in the morning.

The host, who explained that his car experienced a mechanical failure, said that he was in a rush to get to work by 5 a.m in the morning.

After both my cars were experiencing some problems, I decided to order a taxi. From the app, it said that the driver is 8 minutes away but I could see that he is not moving so am just leaning at my gate in the cold,” Obinna narrated.


He continued, “So the guy gets there and I could tell that he is confused and that he doesn’t know which direction to follow, I was the one telling him which direction he was going to follow and it now came to my realisation that he cannot multitask.”

The comic host explained that the driver was driving, with all windows rolled down and it was 5 a.m and at times he could wonder if he had ordered a boda instead of a personal car ride.

The driver then nearly hit a jogger who wasn't looking their way as he pulled the windows down using the automatic switch.


Chito and Obinna suspected that the driver hadn't slept with the two urging drivers to take a nap before work to avoid unnecessary incidents along the trip.

Obinna is known to be a very opinionated man. Earlier last week, the host roasted Eric Omondi over a pair of Balenciaga shoes Eric bought that look worn out.

He said, “Now Eric has gone ametoa ingine hapa akaenda kuchafua, ok amechukua moja yake kwa closet enye hajaosha for the last year, akapiga nayo looku akakuja pale akaaply pressure and was just like really, even if it is fashion surely have we gotten this bad?”

Check out the video conversation below.

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